〜Seasonal wording 水始涸〜

This is the seasonal phrase for around five days starting yesterday.  It apparently means “This is about the time people drain water from rice paddies and prepare for harvesting.”  As you see, many of these seasonal terms deeply involve rice cultivation.

I tried to create a little variation to the ink shades on the post the other day and this time I tried to further the same effect.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Assignment 未だ再開されず〜

Although we haven’t had our calligraphy lessons for about three years now, our teacher sends us, her students, models and assignments by mail.  For the assignment to write something on a postcard, I wrote my own haiku.  Now, I am wondering which one I should submit.

It is I that fly taking my late mother’s hand/

Starlit night/


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Love is… いつ、どこで〜

This is “Love is born”. 

When?  Where?

Right now.  Here.

Or maybe,

Anytime.  Anywhere,


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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いつ? どこで?









〜Another contemporary haiku さて、10月〜

Because the month of October started, I chose a modern haiku on this month as a motif for my calligraphy.  It is such a simple approach, though.

The month of October/

Sitting wearing a face like an egg/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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〜Big question 秋風の俳句〜

Today marks the last day of September and the air feels a little cooler in mornings and evenings

I am asking the autumn wind/

How heavy/

Being alive is/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Signboard 画廊のお玄関に〜

These are the signboards to be held at the entrance of the gallery for the mother-daughter exhibition of calligraphy planned for the end of next month.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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〜What I can do for my late mother 愛した人〜

Sometime ago, at a calligraphy exhibition I saw a piece composed with the initial letters of a mother’s name and those of her daughter placed at the head of the lines.  I tried the same thing, and asked it to be framed as a panel.

And this is the very main theme of the exhibition I have been preparing since my mother passed away.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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〜Little red bird 懐かしい歌〜

Occasionally I choose the words from children’s songs in old times as motifs for my calligraphic works.  For, they make me feel nostalgic and warm my heart.  This song of “Little red bird” was my favorite when I was little, however, I didn’t realize it was based on a poem by the famous poet, Kitahara Hakushū.

Little, red bird.

Why, oh, why is it red, I wonder.

It ate red fruits, that’s why.

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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私はときに童謡の歌詞を書の題材に選びます。懐かしくて、心が温かくなるからです。この「赤い鳥 小鳥」の歌も幼い頃好きでした。けれども、北原白秋の詩が基になっているとは知りませんでした。






〜Pure love 納得です〜

Lovely white dendrobium flowers caught my attention at a flower shop.  I checked the flower language and found it was “pure love” which I found just convincing. 


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Nicer than a dream 出会った言葉〜

Roughly it says “the world nicer than a dream”, which I found while netsurfing without any specific purposes. 


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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