〜Comparison to nature 拘りのない心〜

I chose this phrase as a motif for my calligraphy work from a website about Zen words.  I learned the passage says that falling flowers, flowing water, moving clouds and sound of flutes don’t adhere to anything; they just come and disappear without leaving any traces.




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〜Copying practice 4 第4弾〜

I did this part being rather depressed because even if I looked at the models very intensely, somehow or other I couldn’t reproduce the works.  However, I was beginning to feel again my teacher’s breathing and his movement of the arm holding the brush.




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〜April’s last seasonal phrase 牡丹華〜

“Peony flowers open” is the April’s last seasonal phrase.  I hope it suggests the arrival of a gorgeous season.




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〜Phrase for spring season 雨は降っていますが〜

I searched for a springlike passage among Zen phrases and found this one, a line that conveys balmy atmosphere describing a flowering pear branch wet with spring rain.  Surely, it has been raining quite heavily since yesterday, but I don’t think there is a pear tree with blossoms nearby.
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〜Happiness only 今思うこと〜

What I am certain at the moment, without much ground though, is only happiness will come to me and stay with me in the days ahead.




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〜Copying practice and some words  思〜

I practiced copying a work by my teacher and wrote a passage printed under the photo of the work.



Many kinds of thoughts are there

At times, a thought you have kept warm

Must change into a sad, pitiable, wistful thought

And then, a new warm thought is born again

That is because we are alive




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〜Making a wish to deity おみくじ〜

Conclusively speaking, this is asking for help to deity.  To sum up, it apparently means that things will be getting better.




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〜Offbeat haiku 春の日〜

I chose this haiku as a motif of my calligraphy because I found

something interesting and peculiar in it.  However, it may just describe a peacefulness spring day.




Tall pregnant woman/


Into a spring day/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Seasonal phrase 霜止出苗〜

The seasonal phrase around this time is this, “It is frostless season, so rice seedlings grow”.  I remember seeing rice seedlings in father’s natal home.  I found them neat and beautiful, for they were almost precisely the same length.




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〜Flowering trees 花水木〜

When I was a college student, I took courses in modern American literature, where I read many novels and stories and saw “dogwood trees” so often.  In those days, this kind of trees were quite rare, however, they are now found almost everywhere.


学生の頃、現代アメリカ文学の講座で、小説も短編小説もたくさん読んで『dogwood trees』を頻繁に見ました。当時はこの木は滅多に見かけませんでしたが、今では至る所にあります。


O dogwood trees/

I see you turned completely into/

Japanese trees/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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