〜Seasonal phrase  菖蒲華〜

The seasonal phrase for around five days till today is this, “irises bloom”.  However, I have a feeling it is a little too late because irises are symbols of 端午の節句, in other words “festival of irises”.




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〜Half a year  折り返し地点〜

As today marks the end of the first half year, rituals to get rid of the stains attached to you during this period in many shrines.  There seems to be some foods associated with this day.




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〜Paint it green  自然を描く〜

The other day, I went to an exhibition of Japanese style paintings where a work by my good, old friend was displayed.  I happened to ask a gentleman who happened to be there how he liked my friend’s work.  He answered “this person is very good at representing greenery, green leaves and grasses in a pretty subtle and varied way, just like Monet’s touch.  I was very happy to hear his comments for my friend.




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〜How happy!!  気に入ってもらえました〜

I chose a phrase about “Japanese plum fruits ripen to be yellowish” from the subdivided seventy-two seasonal phrases and wrote it on a wooden piece the other day.  Then, someone liked it very much and offered to buy it.  However, I felt a little sorry because it is such a small work.  So, I sent this person a postcard work as well as a gift.  Then to my greatest pleasure, I received these images showing me how she is enjoying my calligraphy.




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〜Calligraphy copying  当然かと・・・〜

I chose this one to practice copying from a book of collection of my teacher.  The note says it is an ancient saying from China meaning “you don’t get tired when you are doing what you love”.  I don’t see anything new at all.




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〜For the collection 5  ハガキと団扇 5〜

This set is the last one for the postcard collection that is in session till this Sunday.  This character generally represents “longevity”.  However, when I try to explain its meaning in English, I always put “happy” before longevity.  For, I believe living a happy, long life is the most important.  Technically, for this one I used a brush with longer and softer hair than most normal ones.




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〜For the collection 4  ハガキと団扇 4〜

These are for the postcard collection that is in session at the moment.  I love the character “龍” because both my calligraphy teacher and mother were born in the year of the dragon. These are “dragon” and “cloud”, that is “a cloud carrying a dragon”.  I asked the big frame to be displayed in the original drawing section, as well.




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〜For the collection 3  ハガキと団扇 3〜

This is for the postcard collection that starts tomorrow.  “Poetry Poem.”  My favorite character and word.  However, I am a little worried some people may not be familiar with the left side of the letter written in cursive style.




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〜Venue of the event today  準備着々と〜

I went to the venue of the postcard collection that I have written about a couple of times to carry in my postcard pieces and the fans to be displayed there.  I now really love this event and I am very grateful to the person who let me know about it.  This event starts on Saturday, June 19.




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〜Seasonal phrase  梅子黄〜

The seasonal phrase for around five days from today is this, “fruits of the Japanese plum ripen to be yellowish”.  The phrase reminded me of my late mother who detested sour flavor but was really good at making beautiful red-colored umeboshi, pickled Japanese plums.




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