〜Drive away evils 柊南天〜

Apparently, mahonia trees’ flower language is “violent emotion”.  They are often planted in the direction of “kimon”, 鬼門 or literally “ogres gate” of the houses, maybe because their leaves are ragged they are expected to ward off evil spirits.  The photo shows the one with yellow little flowers planted in my back garden and in the direction of 裏鬼門 or “back ogres gate” which is diagonally opposite corner from the front one.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜First blossom to open 先駆者!〜

I learned that flower languages for the Japanese quince are “forerunner”, “splendor of fairyhood” and others.  The lady of my neighbors who has this tree in their garden said “It is the first bloomers of spring, right?”  Yes, that is right!  That is why its flower language should be “forerunner”.

One more thing I remember is the flower arranging teacher I used to practice under when young was very good at large-scale arrangements portrayed as a spring scenery featuring this kind of tree.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com







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〜Birthday flower  紫羅欄花〜

Because the idea of the “birthday flowers” somewhat intrigued me, I checked it up only to find there were a number of such “lists”.  According to one of the lists, the flower for March 2nd is Matthiola incana.  One of its flower languages is “eternal and rich love”.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Most precise flower languages  白いアザレア〜

These white azaleas are from my very important friend who could be called my soul mate.  She meant them for the memory of my late mother.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out the flower languages of white azaleas suit really well to this scene.

“I am happy to be loved by you.”



If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Seasonal wordage 款冬華〜

This is the phrase that expresses this time of year meaning “Butterbur sprouts start growing”.  It is especially tasty, I think, when deep fried and is often considered to be a typical taste of spring season.  However, I learned it is seldom eaten outside Japan.  I wrote its flower languages, “anticipation, expectation” and “mate, friend, associate”, as well.  I used willow branches, also a symbol of spring as a decoration in the picture.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Flower of the day クロッカス〜

Here is the information I found while net surfing for no particular purpose.  It is that some kind(s) of flower is allocated to all the date of the year.  Incidentally, the flower for today, January 3rd is “crocus”.  I chose its flower languages as material for calligraphy.  They are “joy in young days” and “eagerness”.  There surely are others, though.  

Incidentally, today it is a little warmer, which gives out a sense of spring season approaching just like the flower implies.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com







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〜Happy little word game 難を転ずる〜

I wrote three of the flower languages of the plant called nandinas.  I hear there are more, though.

My love only keeps on growing


Turning misfortune into fortune

I find the third one very intriguing because it is a phonetic analogy and it somewhat leads up the symbolic phrase of the winter solstice I wrote yesterday.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com










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〜Flower languages  季節は違えど〜

This is a gerbera in my garden.  I took the photo around a week ago, but the flower looks just the same even now.  I found out the flower words for red gerberas and wrote them, that is, mystery, passionate love of mystery, positiveness, limitless challenges,.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜General images of gentians 花言葉いろいろ〜

Flower words of gentians are; “Victory”, “Sense of justice”, “Being there for your grief”, “Lonely affection” and what not, I learned. 




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〜Contribution to happiness 縁起がいいらしい〜

I have kept a glass pot of Golden pothos on the dining table for some time.  I heard the plant would bring you good fortune, however, I think it is just because its flower languages are nice.  “Long-continued well-being”  “Eternal wealth”  “Gorgeous brilliance”




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