〜Bought some white flowers お玄関に〜

While walking, I found these white flowers and remembered I hadn’t put some fresh flowers at my entrance for some time.

Bought some white flowers/

Walking in the town/

On a cloudy day/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Top-grade reunion 何が嬉しいと言って・・・〜

The most extreme happiness is to reunite with people I had such a delightful time with a long time ago.   Furthermore, I was fortunate enough to get a lot of gifts even though it was I that enjoyed the others’ great friendliness.

Student from overseas/


Single piece of the Milky Way/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Morning of departure では行ってきます〜

Now, I am leaving on a journey abroad for the first time in six years. I will try very hard to make traditional Japanese-style calligraphy and Chio’s calligraphy well-known.

Withered trees are lighted softly/
Morning of journey/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Getting ready to fly 近づいてきました〜

The photo shows my calligraphy that apparently means a crane is ready to fly exhilaratingly.  I hear the symbol of the German airline I am going to fly with molds cranes just like Japan’s leading airline.

Someone with detailed knowledge about reading tarot cards said I could move ahead and absorb various things aggressively as a chariot during this trip.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Hope she will like it 追加のお土産〜

I was allowed to participate in a workshop yesterday that took place as a part of events for the project to develop the area hosted by a paperer.  I chose this workshop from various kinds because I have been practicing calligraphy for a long time since my childhood, and I am very interested in traditional paperes jobs.  It was called “Let’s make a lovely box!”.  However, actually, it was only to decorate a crafted box.

Still, I was delighted thinking it would make an additional present for my friend in Poland.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜I used to be a teacher, as well. 生徒さんたちに〜

The main reason for my trip to Poland this time is to meet a lady again who I met six years ago when I first visited the country and who has been a teacher for many years.    I am well aware that her teaching career is really admirable because I used to be a teacher teaching basic English to Japanese children myself.

The photo shows my little presents to her class.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Here is another gift 立派なご活動〜

The lady I wrote about yesterday has been a primary school teacher for a long time, the experience of which I admire a lot.

She introduced my calligraphy to one of her distinguished friends who also has been active in a respectable activity for children for a long time.  She arranged a meeting with him for me during this visit to Poznań. The photo shows my gift to him.  I only hope he will like it!

“Fortunate omen”


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Preparation for the trip お世話になっています〜

As it is now less than one week before my departure to Poznań, Poland, which I visited six years ago, I am getting increasingly excited, but the preparation doesn’t seem to make good progress.

The photo shows my gift to someone who I met in November 2017 there.  Since then, she has continued to give me mental support and sent me charming presents at times.

She highly appraises my calligraphy and has introduced it to a number of celebrities around her.  That is such a blessing for me.

“Your kindness is reverend.”


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Wintry sleepiness 緊張感不足〜

It is pretty cold, but my mind sometimes goes drifty for no particular reason.

Severely cold but sunny/

Sleepiness like floss silk/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Dining with good friends 楽しいとき〜

We are now finally having chilly weather, just commonly expected at this time of year.  A good friend said, “It is much more joyful and relaxing to drink shochu and eat tasty foods at a cozy Japanese-style pub with good friends sharing good chemistry than having tiny but well-arranged pieces of food on a French-style course in a rigidly formal atmosphere.”

First glasses of the party/

At a Japanese pub/

With traditional stew with many ingredients/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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