〜Seasonal phrase  筍の季節〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this, 竹笋生, which means bamboo shoots grow.  You don’t necessarily go to a bamboo forest to find bamboo shoots.  You can find them in the backyards of houses or near the plow-fields in rural areas at times.  I remember digging out bamboo shoots and eating them at relative’s houses when I was a child.  Uncared bamboo shoots never tasted good, though. 




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〜What stars imply  純粋な吉祥〜

According to Ms. Ishii Yukari, an astrologist, the arrangement of the stars at present implies “pure auspiciousness”.  I found the phrase very delightful.




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〜Seasonal phrase  ミミズ〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this, “earthworms crawl out of the ground”.  I don’t really care for this kind of chore, but now I am thinking of taking care of my garden trees and flowers.




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〜This is May カエルの歌〜

This is the first seasonal phrase for the month of May.  The sentence is:  Frogs begin croaking in plow-land, which imply summer season begins and farm activities also start in earnest.




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〜Start of summer 先生からのプレゼント〜

Today falls on the first day of summer on the old calendar.  Unfortunately, though, it is rainy now and the weather forecast says it will be rainy all day.  The photo shows two little works my teacher gave me that I asked to be arranged on a panel board.  The right one is his own haiku on this day, the first day of summer.




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〜April’s last seasonal phrase 牡丹華〜

“Peony flowers open” is the April’s last seasonal phrase.  I hope it suggests the arrival of a gorgeous season.




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〜Budding reeds この時期の七十二候〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this, “Reeds start budding”.  I wonder if people living in a watery environment know as much about this phenomenon in nature.




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〜First rainbows 見たいですよ、それは!〜

“Rainbows start to be seen after rainfalls”.  The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this.  It would be so nice if that really happens.
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〜Seasonal phrase 玄鳥至〜

The seasonal phrase for about a week starting today is this, namely, “swallows arrive” migrating from south.  The characters in the phrase literally mean “black birds come”.  Now, I remember swallows used to come and build nests every spring at the entrance of my mother’s natal home.  I also remember people were happy to have them, believing the birds bring happiness.




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〜Seasonal phrase 今年の桜は〜

“Cherry blossoms begin to bloom.”  The website I frequent to check seasonal phrases to post here says this phrase is allocated to a week-long period from tomorrow.  However, the cherry blossoms this year seem to be hurrying.



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