〜Seasonal phrase 蒙霧升降〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of year is this.  It apparently means “there is dense mist all round”.  Do you agree to this comment on thick fog at this time?




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〜Seasonal phrase 夏の終わりの合図〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this, “evening cicadas sing”, which somehow implies a sort of loneliness, that is, a feeling the summer season is finally ready to leave.




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〜Seasonal phrase 涼風至〜

“First cool breeze in fall blows” is a seasonal phrase for this time of year.  Today it is quite windy because of the typhoons but we don’t feel this kind of pleasantly cool wind.




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〜Seasonal phrase  規模の違い〜

“Sometimes a massive rainfall occurs” is the seasonal phrase for this week or so.  We have heavy rainfalls at times for sure around this time of year.  However, the scale of “heavy” seems to have changed comparing when I was growing up.




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〜Seasonal phrase  土潤溽暑〜

The seasonal phrase for these five days or so is this.  It means “Earth gets wet; air gets hot and humid”.  I have no objection at all.
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〜Seasonal phrase  桐始結花〜

This is the seasonal phrase given to these days of end of July.  If we only think of the letters, it seems to mean the empress trees begin to bloom first flowers.  However, I learned this phrase means the blossoms begin to bear fruits.  The flowers are known to bloom in early summer.




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〜Day of extreme heat  暑いと思ったら〜

It has been so very hot since early morning, and I found out today falls on Dashu (solar term), literally, great heat, which means today is the day of extreme heat according to solar term. 




Crystalline Buddhist rosary/

Feels cold/

Dashu (solar term) or the summer day of extreme heat/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Seasonal phrase  腐草為蛍〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this.  It literally means “decayed grass becomes fireflies”, which is “fireflies appear from the decayed grass”.


この時期の七十二候の名称です。枯れたる草 蛍と為る。枯れた草から蛍が生じるということらしいです。


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〜Seasonal phrase  好きではなくて〜

This is the seasonal phrase for this time of the year.  “Montes come into the world.”  I don’t care much for this kind of insects.  However, I guess this must be the most representative example for this season.




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〜Seasonal phrase 確かに暖かい

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is “Flight of geese travel back to north”.  Surely, we have been having warm days, or rather, as it is so warm you could use the word “hot” at times.  I, unfortunately, am ignorant about this bird’s behavior, though.




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