The first thing that caught my attention when I went into the vegetable section of the supermarket was these little tomatoes.
Irregularly shaped tomatoes are/
Smile of a witch/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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「Contemporary haiku」タグアーカイブ
〜Something delightful 冬の苺〜
I learned there is a season word, winter strawberry, in the haiku society. However, I don’t think the strawberry season was originally winter.
O strawberries in winter/
Merriment lasts short/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜More sweets 「可愛い」の拡がり〜
I have got plenty of sweets from various directions. This one features adorable wrapping.
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〜Drink in glassware 全部いただき物〜
A friend of mine gave me some rare saké. I sensed a fantastic aroma when I opened the bottle, indeed. Then, I poured it into the glassware I got from another friend long ago, which looked marvelous.
Cleaned the glass bowl/
It is the time of cherry blossoms/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜The day my mother left 胸の白い鳥〜
If Mother would come back turning into a bird, it would be wonderful, or maybe it would not be a very fun event, though.
Bird with a white chest came/
It is February/
Mother’s death anniversary/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Bamboo leaves as toys 笹舟流そう〜
I remember picking bamboo leaves, making them boat-shaped, and throwing them into a nearby small river to race with neighborhood kids when growing up.
This children’s play is seldom seen these days.
Kids competed racing with their boat-shaped bamboo leaves/
Grown-up young ayu sweetfish ascend streams/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Sound of a pipe organ 荘厳さの中で〜
I remembered the sublime sound of a pipe organ I heard in an old cathedral in an old overseas city last fall. Thus, here are Chinese translation of the word “pipe organ” and a modern haiku about the instrument.
Cords from an organ/
Raise the number of winter clouds/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Early spring bonsai 弁天さんの白梅〜
I found a bonsai of white ume tree on the premises of a temple near my house that is dedicated to Sarasvati.
Barely noticeable as white ume blossoms/
And the evening sunlight/
That is growing colorful/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Water harp in springtime 春が始まる〜
Today marks the first day of spring. With a somewhat happy feeling, I searched the net and found this modern haiku of the spring season about water harps. A Suikinkutsu or a water harp placed under the earth that creates clear sounds for good is fantastic.
It is the beginning of the spring season/
Even the sound of Suikinkutsu/
Became colorific/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Surviving your parent 豆撒きの日〜
As today marks the close of winter, the tradition on this day of scattering beans to drive evil spirits away comes to my mind. Just like this modern haiku, my father survived his father.
Survived my father/
I scatter the roasted soybeans/
To drive demons away/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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