〜Three beautiful things, pt. 2  元ネタ〜

I have always firmly believed that the phrase, “snow, moon, flower”, representing the three beautiful things in nature that I wrote the other day was Japanese origin, however, I found out it was actually a part of a poem by Bai Juyi, a Chinese poet in old times.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Autumnal scene 美の競演〜

This is a passage from an old-time Chinese poem about chrysanthemums’ fragrance. Apparently, it expresses moon lit chrysanthemums, insects’ chirping, chrysanthemums’ fragrance, namely, a variety of autumnal beauties competing with one another.




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〜Evening showers in old times このぐらいがいい〜

It is a brief extract from a poem by Su Shi in the Northern Song dynasty in ancient China, a major personality and poet.  Apparently, it is about a gusty evening shower that comes suddenly and then stops quickly.  Now I recall evening showers in summer were just like this when I was growing up.  Rains should fall in this manner.




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〜Scene in summer  半切〜

Finally, we are beginning to have summerlike weather, which reminded me of this one.  This is my old work of a summery poem I wrote many years ago. 




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