〜Dragon king なかなかの雨〜

It is rainy today and the weather forecast says the rain will continue for several days.  The other day I wrote about my former colleague who believed in dragons.  Now, I am beginning to think the world would be more interesting if they should exist.




When the Dragon king rolls/

Pearls of dew whirl/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Variety of cards 大人になると〜

This is a modern haiku about having various kinds of cards.  Credit cards for shopping and many loyalty cards issued by grocery stores that I never had as a child are now always in my wallet, and as becoming older more and more medical cards of hospitals and doctors’ offices have their places in my wallet.




Possessing a variety of cards/

It is now fall season/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Getting forgetful 夏の終わり〜

At times, things like passcodes won’t come to mind immediately, indeed.  I used to have a very good memory in passed days.




For a moment/

Passcode got out of memory/

End of summer/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Some kind of family reunion お盆の準備〜

During the Obon period, usually in mid-August, it is believed that the ancestral spirits come back to their family.  Today I bought some offerings to the ancestors including sweets, fruits and vegetables.  I heard a story that goes fruits of a plant called “Chinese lanterns” should serve to guide the deceased to their house safely.




O, Chinese lanterns/

Ready to welcome dad and mom/

Brand new tatami mats/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio

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〜Happy time in life  夕涼み〜

It is so hot that it is almost impossible to wonder when the happy times of life are or think of enjoying refreshing evening breeze.  Because of this weather, however, I thought the haiku should be all the more pleasant to my feeling.
When are the happiest days in life/
Summer evening breeze/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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〜Day of extreme heat  暑いと思ったら〜

It has been so very hot since early morning, and I found out today falls on Dashu (solar term), literally, great heat, which means today is the day of extreme heat according to solar term. 




Crystalline Buddhist rosary/

Feels cold/

Dashu (solar term) or the summer day of extreme heat/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Here is one of my old works  茶掛け〜

I saw little cucumber flowers in a home vegetable garden in a neighbor’s and remembered this one.




One good elderly/

In one house/

Flowers on gourds/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜First time in a long time  食べるのは簡単〜

I cooked some wheat noodle(素麺)after a long interval.  It is known to many people that cooking it is rather time-consuming, however, it is so easy to eat it fast.




Oh, thin wheat noodles/

Finally, only one is/

Drifting about in the bowl/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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