〜Autumn scene  柔らかい陽〜

This is a contemporary haiku of fall season.  I chose it as a motif for my calligraphy because I felt I actually touched the soft sunlight of late autumn.

Shaft of sunlight in late autumn/

Strokes legs of a desk/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio

If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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〜Nearby forest 松の種類〜

I can’t tell differences of pine tree varieties.  However, my late mother used to be pleased with red pine trees in the nearby Tadasu-no-mori, when we went through the woods.

Red pine trees bark/

Peels away/

Middle of fall/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Contemporary haiku 今日は雨模様ですが〜

Unfortunately, we are having rainy weather today but these days we have been enjoying beautiful blue sky of autumn season.

A single piece of cloud/

Left alone to be put away/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Cats’ paws バレンタインでもハロウィンでも〜

Actually, I did this this piece of a contemporary haiku inspired by a box of chocolates my friend sent me for the Valentine’s Day.  However, I thought the theme would fit Halloween, as well.

Somehow my late mother loved Halloween.  I am afraid she didn’t understand the meaning of the event but just loved cute, little things she found at various places.

Footprints take form of fire/

Cats in snow/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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実はこれはバレンタインデーに友人から贈られたチョコレートを見て、ふと現代俳句を探して書いた物でしたが、ハロウィンにも通じるかな? と思います。







〜Another contemporary haiku さて、10月〜

Because the month of October started, I chose a modern haiku on this month as a motif for my calligraphy.  It is such a simple approach, though.

The month of October/

Sitting wearing a face like an egg/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com> as well.


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〜Big question 秋風の俳句〜

Today marks the last day of September and the air feels a little cooler in mornings and evenings

I am asking the autumn wind/

How heavy/

Being alive is/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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〜Last night’s moon 十六夜〜

As I was an only daughter and child to my parents, my mother seemed to have been looking only at me. 

O the moon on the sixteenth night/

Mother only sees me/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Ninth month 涼しくなるかな〜

Today is September 1st at last.  I hope it will be starting to feel more like autumn.

Silence at night/

Reflected on the glass of/


Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Chorus of cicadas – summer symbol  いつの間にか〜

Now I realize I don’t hear the loud song of cicadas any more.

Sprits are playing/

In a chorus of cicadas/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。

