〜Around this time of year 土筆摘み〜

Yesterday I paid a formal visit to my late mother’s family grave.  Then I remembered my grandfather often took me as a child to the fields for picking horsetails around this time of year.  However, I can’t recall how he cooked the horsetails we brought back home and fed me.

Giving complimentary remarks/

To horsetails/

Sun sets in the west/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Good old memory  自信と努力〜

I am not sure why this happened but somehow, this phrase suddenly came into my mind, that is, “self-assurance and endeavor”.  

One day, one of the homeroom teachers at my elementary school gave each pupil a word or a phrase.  It was this “self-assurance and endeavor” that he presented to me.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Something from the past どこが良いと・・・〜

The other day I wrote about my old works I happened to find.  The photo shows one of the others.  The pieces I wrote last time was kana (system of characters invented in Japan based on Chinese characters) works while this one is kanji (Chinese characters) piece.  And another thing about is it seems I had it lined.  What I liked about it, I wonder?


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Black birds leave 七十二候〜

This is the seasonal phrase for this time of the year.  “Black birds” here mean house swallows and the whole phrase means house swallows leave for the south in fall.  According to a folklore, swallows have always been a symbol for happiness.  The story goes if they come to your house and build a nest every year, they should bring happiness.  My mother’s natal home was just like that, which made my grandpa very happy.




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〜For peace of mind in this terrible weather 豪雨の中では尚更に〜

We haven’t enjoyed calligraphy lessons in our usual classrooms since February last year.  My present teacher told us her students that we should learn calligraphy copying especially at times like this.  However, I just can’t stop myself turning to my first teacher’s calligraphy that has been so familiar to me since my early childhood rather than the classics respected by all the calligraphy learners of all ages and cultures.




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