〜Solar term 朔風払葉〜

This is the solar term allocated to five days starting today, meaning the north wind brushes away the fallen leaves.

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

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知櫻の書のご依頼は、 <chio_art@yushokai.com> までお願いいたします。



〜Birthday haiku 誕生日おめでとう〜

Since my special friend’s birthday is approaching, here is a substitute for a birthday card.

Stars freeze/

Earth freezes/

O her birthday/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at <chio_art@yushokai.com>.

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知櫻の書のご依頼は、 <chio_art@yushokai.com> までお願いいたします。
