〜Solar term  草露白〜

This is the solar term for around five days from today, meaning that the dews on the grass in the morning look white and freshly cool, and that the season is changing from summer to fall, however, do you actually see white dews on the grass even early in the morning?


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Occasional heavy rain 七十二候〜

This is the seasonal phrase for the period of about five days starting today and it means “big rain sometimes falls”.  I think people in Kyoto could use a brief hard shower since it has been extremely hot.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Seasonal phrase 雪下麦出〜

The seasonal wording for the first five days of the year is this, “wheat start to sprout under the snow”.   It was really cold around the turn of the year and from time to time, little snow flew.  However, plant lives may be preparing for the spring season.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Seasonal phrase 雷乃収声〜

This is the seasonal phrase for this time of the year.  “Thunders no longer growl.”   Surely, thunder is one of the features of the summer season.




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〜Seasonal phrase 草露白〜

The phrase is supposed to symbolize this time of year.  “Dews on grass give out white light.”  It is such a beautiful image but we still don’t realize this image. 




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〜Seasonal phrase 禾乃登〜

This is the season words for this time of year.  It refers to grain growing and especially, about rice ripening.  Families of distant relatives on my father’s side live in the mountainous area north of Kyoto.  My parents used to take me there when I was a child.  I remember they planted rice in early May, however, I don’t remember when the rice ripened or when they harvested it.




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〜Finally beginning to cool a little 七十二候〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of year, literally, heaven and earth, that is, the whole world is finally beginning to be cool!  I only wish this phrase would hold true.


この時期の七十二候の名称です。天地始粛。ようやく暑さが鎮まるということらしいです!    そうだったらいいなと思うばかりです。


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〜Seasonal phrase 蒙霧升降〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of year is this.  It apparently means “there is dense mist all round”.  Do you agree to this comment on thick fog at this time?




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〜Seasonal phrase 夏の終わりの合図〜

The seasonal phrase for this time of the year is this, “evening cicadas sing”, which somehow implies a sort of loneliness, that is, a feeling the summer season is finally ready to leave.




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〜Seasonal phrase  好きではなくて〜

This is the seasonal phrase for this time of the year.  “Montes come into the world.”  I don’t care much for this kind of insects.  However, I guess this must be the most representative example for this season.




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