〜Friendship  文人の遊び〜

The first picture shows a painting that my important friend in Poland sent me.  This painting immediately reminded me of a sort of a game played among people of culture in old times; that is, first, a painter draws anything he or she likes and then a calligrapher writes in the margin what he or she is inspired by the drawing.  The second picture shows the result; first I added the calligraphy “energy of love” on the same paper, then, I added my paperer framed it into a panel.  




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〜Appealing photo  センスの良さ〜

Someone that liked my small piece sent me some photos to show how she is displaying my little one even sent me yet another image, which evokes the artistic quality of my work even more.  The photo renewed my perception of how important presentation is when displaying artistic works.  And I admire her excellent sense of exhibition.




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