山羊座の新月 New Moon in Capricorn




I chose a passage from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment for the Geminis this New Moon suggests:

Milestone of involvement with others’ increasing weight

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冬の夜 Cold evening




Cold rain had kept falling almost all day today, and now a cold evening is falling. On a cold night like this, I guess, people should be in a musing mood, however, I have been indulging in rock’n’roll music.

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冬の花 Wild flowers

1219 12,19





I found wild daffodils already in bloom.

I remembered that long ago, my ikebana teacher taught us her students to arrange daffodil flowers lower as they were buried in the stalks and thin leaves in winter and to arrange them placed above the leaves in springtime.

I re-realized ikebana didn’t mean to reframe the wild flowers in an artificial way but meant to add human touch to them appreciating how nature is and eventually to decorate people’s houses and rooms.

Oh, daffodils/

Your fragrance/

Even more pleasant than peaches/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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哀悼 Deep sorrow

12.18 12,18





I have been overwhelmed by the sad news of Bobby Keys’ death. News of someone’s death who I never have met in person never made me feel bitter like this time.

I didn’t know he and Keith were born on the same day, though. If he had survived till today, he would have been 70 years old.

On a day like this, we had beautiful first snow of the season.

Fresh and juicy is the/


First snow this season didn’t cover/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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冬の雨 Cold day

12.17 12,17



It rained all day yesterday, and today, it is a very cold, windy day.

Oh, rain in winter/

Now I know/

Being father’s bedside when he dies is looking squarely at the scene/

Translation with my own interpretation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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冬の鳥 Birdsong




This poem was, I learned, about the numerous noisy sparrows in the garden. In my mother’s hometown, people have had a tradition that goes “if a black kite flies up into the sky singing loudly, the day would be sunny.”

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今週の双子座 Less stressful week for the Geminis





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting from December 15, which roughly goes something like:

You will be enjoying a tranquil state of mind with the sense of tension gradually decreasing. If you have been feeling the momentum you have be superficial or you have lost a balance because of the strong momentum, you may get a soft touch landing on the ground so lightly.

I am glad to read the passage as I have had many things to do for a while.

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百合の花 Lilies

12:14 12,14



Although it is a summer kigo, I chose a haiku with a word “lily”.

For, the flower arrangement we prepared for the Buddhist memorial service for my late father the other day, lilies were decorated as the most important flower.

Lily in front of the family altar/


As she was ready to bloom/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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悟りの神髄 Satori





The phrase meant, I learned, Buddha’s delight in the world of his own enlightenment, satori.

As for me, somehow I was tempted to write the letter for “delight”, the last one much bigger than others.

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お稽古、楽しい! I love taking calligraphy lessons!





Today, as usual, my teacher provided us students with various kinds of cultural accomplishments.

I thought I would make paper cases for the chopsticks for the New Year’s dishes.

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