Important factor in life

Important factor in life

I enjoyed an exciting reunion and a delightful conversation with people who led me to the greatest event in my life.  It is so hard to put into words how grateful I am to them.

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To an old friend

I got an e-mail message from a good, old friend from our high school days.  Incidentally, as the Mercury is retrograding, we may meet with each other for the first time in many years.  The letter is the first one in her name.

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Favorite flower and favorite haiku

For this single-leaf screen, I chose my favorite haiku about my favorite flower, hydrangeas.  I remembered about this screen when a kind-hearted neighbor gave us these flowers from her garden yesterday evening.  This screen is an old work of mine from about ten years ago.  It welcomed visitors at the entrance to my first solo exhibition.  I am now flooded with many good memories of the exhibition.

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First day of summer 暑かったですよね

According to the Solar term, today falls on this year’s first day of summer.

No wonder it was so hot.

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Transparent is the first star of the evening/
Summer is here now/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko



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Written oracle 静かなパワースポット

Yesterday, coincidentally, fell on the Full Moon in the Libra, I went to the shrinewhich I visit from time to time.

And there I got a written oracle.  Its comment in the form of tanka roughly goes as follows.

Birds freed from a cage are each having fun/

Lots of fun in the fields in springtime/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Old practice on the midwinter night 柚子入りお風呂

Today falls on the Winter Solstice.

It is a long tradition in Japan to enjoy a hot bath with a kind of citrus fruits in the bathtub on the night of the midwinter. The refreshing smell and the nice feeling of the water help you to relax.

I read a comment in a post on the Instagram that this custom also shows the Japanese people’s love of taking a bath.

Soft steam/

Is the central player/

Bath on the winter solstice/

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Something wild 季節のことば

As I have been suffering from a cold, I haven’t practiced calligraphy for some time. Today, I resumed this activity by using two brushes, two brushes with extremely long tassels, that is.

The motif is a typical phrase for this season, “a caterpillar turns into a butterfly”.

As a matter of fact, I wish to have skills to express something wilder, unheard-of and unseen.

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Scattering roasted beans on the last day of winter なくなっていく行事

“Drive away ogres! Invite happiness into the house!”

When I was a small child, I used to hear the above phrase from houses in the neighborhood. People did shout while scattering roasted beans on Setsubun, the last day of winter, and I remember my father used to do that. However, these days in usual homes, the custom is seldom observed.

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私が子どもの頃、節分には普通の家庭でも「鬼は外! 福は内!」というのをやっていましたよ。
