〜Origin of the custom 何年後かな〜

As I learned that for Tanabata, star festival decoration, leaves of paper mulberries were used to write on before strips of paper were around, I bought a small tree of paper mulberry.  I wonder when I will be able to use its leaves to write on.




Our names are/

On fancy strip of paper/

Star festival/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜The most important thing 友情がいっぱい〜

One of my friends abroad is a teacher and I learned she is now teaching children who moved from abroad to live in her country where an unfamiliar language is spoken.  I wrote these “friendship”s for her to use as Christmas gifts to those students.  You see I put mizuhiki strings to show the right way up and make them easy to be displayed.




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〜Kind of anger management 嫌な記憶〜

My friends at college commented on my face as “mystery of the Orient”, which suggests it is seldom associated with anger.  However, I have a tendency to get outrageously furious at times.  And that, my strong, occasional anger is not directed to huge evils in the world but to terribly bad memories in my life so far.  Sometimes I just can’t get that kind of anger toward unpleasant memories in many scenes in my life under control.  I am perfectly aware in theory that this kind of anger must be purified, though.




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〜More examples こういう手本はどうかしら〜

I wrote some more examples for those who are interested in practicing calligraphy with me.  I just wonder what kind of characters they want to write with a brush.




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〜Charm is charming アリスもハリーも大好き〜

I have always loved Alice, Harry and many others.  Fantasies and magic have always enchanted me.




Let us conjure/


Spell of peace/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Seasonal wording 水始涸〜

This is the seasonal phrase for this time of year that means to draw water from the plowland to prepare for harvesting.




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〜Gold and silver 華やかに「君を想う」〜

I did this one, meaning “thinking of you”, because a young woman with a sensitivity luxuriance said she feels “gold and silver” from my calligraphy.  I hope she will like it. 




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〜General images of gentians 花言葉いろいろ〜

Flower words of gentians are; “Victory”, “Sense of justice”, “Being there for your grief”, “Lonely affection” and what not, I learned. 




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