Treasury 寶もの


Days spent regarding each other as treasure.

The word meaning treasure (明珠)is by my mother.

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Lunch for two お昼ご飯

6.7 6,7

Mother has grown weak and now it seems to be more and more difficult for her to eat tough food. This is an example of a lunch plate in August last year she enjoyed.


Vernal equinoctial week/

Linked sausages/


Reading lunch menu/

By the light of/

Wisteria blossoms/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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New Moon in the Gemini, pt. 2: Turning point in life 双子座の新月その2:人生の転機


I read somewhere that it is good for you to start something new for taking this opportunity. However, no good ideas came into my mind. I only thought about growing more flowers in our garden to please my mother.

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New Moon in the Gemini 双子座の新月


I read somewhere that you might have a third eye today. However, I haven’t felt anything yet.

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Nail polish on mother’s nails!? マニキュアですって!?


Mother came back from the day care facility with manicured nails, which she has hated all her life. I think I must conclude, to my greatest disappointment, that she is turning into another personality.

Manicured nails of/

Fingers of a magician/

Color of spring/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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