The tradition of the Native Americans of naming the full moons in each month intrigued me. As today’s moon is the full moon in March, I checked its name to find the term “worm moon” to my little disappointment. For, I was expecting something more romantic.
Then I remembered I wrote before that in the twenty-four solar terms system that is believed to have started in ante-Christum China has “Jingzhe” at the beginning of March when hibernating worms are supposed to emerge from underground.
I thought people in old times must have felt and thought in a similar way about changing of the seasons both in the East and the West.
The most short-tempered worm will emerge from underground/
And move on to the shambles or the real world/
Full of fights, rages, pathos that derive from envy and suspicion/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com.
ネイティブアメリカンの伝統に、各月の満月それぞれに名前があるというものがあって、とても面白いと思います。それで今日は3月の満月なので、その名前を調べたら、worm moonつまり芋虫の類の月だったので、ちょっとがっかりしました。もっとロマンティックな名前を期待していましたので。
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