First day of summer 暑かったですよね

According to the Solar term, today falls on this year’s first day of summer.

No wonder it was so hot.

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Transparent is the first star of the evening/
Summer is here now/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko



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Custom of visiting a grave お彼岸なので


I was planning to visit the grave of my mother’s natal home.  However, some serious affair prevented me from it.


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Old practice on the midwinter night 柚子入りお風呂

Today falls on the Winter Solstice.

It is a long tradition in Japan to enjoy a hot bath with a kind of citrus fruits in the bathtub on the night of the midwinter. The refreshing smell and the nice feeling of the water help you to relax.

I read a comment in a post on the Instagram that this custom also shows the Japanese people’s love of taking a bath.

Soft steam/

Is the central player/

Bath on the winter solstice/

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Special moon 夜の散歩

After dinner on the eve of harvest moon, I went out for a short walk with my mother on her wheel chair and was in an ill temper a little, hoping she would feel better.  As she was appreciating the huge, beautiful moon, she obviously began to feel better and peaceful.

Bright moon/


Old mother’s emotional tension/

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Something wild 季節のことば

As I have been suffering from a cold, I haven’t practiced calligraphy for some time. Today, I resumed this activity by using two brushes, two brushes with extremely long tassels, that is.

The motif is a typical phrase for this season, “a caterpillar turns into a butterfly”.

As a matter of fact, I wish to have skills to express something wilder, unheard-of and unseen.

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Scattering roasted beans on the last day of winter なくなっていく行事

“Drive away ogres! Invite happiness into the house!”

When I was a small child, I used to hear the above phrase from houses in the neighborhood. People did shout while scattering roasted beans on Setsubun, the last day of winter, and I remember my father used to do that. However, these days in usual homes, the custom is seldom observed.

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私が子どもの頃、節分には普通の家庭でも「鬼は外! 福は内!」というのをやっていましたよ。


Small gifts 祝・水星逆行

The Mercury has been going backwards for a few days now. I don’t dread that much about this period. For, I know from rules of thumb that I am often fortunate enough to meet someone for the first time in years during this period.

The photo shows my small gifts for the good old friend I am going to meet tomorrow. I do hope she will like them.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

They say tonight’s full moon in called “strawberry moon” that will bring you true love.

Unconnectedly, as always I had a hard time practicing calligraphy, especially finding where to lay stress on or how to avoid laying too much stress.


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Is the Mercury’s retrogression an answer? 昔の作品

The photo shows my works from long time ago. I can’t even remember when I wrote them. These days I often withdraw these old ones. I wonder if it is a kind of effects from the Mercury’s retrogression. The motif is from a children’s song about fireflies.

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