Something wild 季節のことば

As I have been suffering from a cold, I haven’t practiced calligraphy for some time. Today, I resumed this activity by using two brushes, two brushes with extremely long tassels, that is.

The motif is a typical phrase for this season, “a caterpillar turns into a butterfly”.

As a matter of fact, I wish to have skills to express something wilder, unheard-of and unseen.

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Scattering roasted beans on the last day of winter なくなっていく行事

“Drive away ogres! Invite happiness into the house!”

When I was a small child, I used to hear the above phrase from houses in the neighborhood. People did shout while scattering roasted beans on Setsubun, the last day of winter, and I remember my father used to do that. However, these days in usual homes, the custom is seldom observed.

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私が子どもの頃、節分には普通の家庭でも「鬼は外! 福は内!」というのをやっていましたよ。


Small gifts 祝・水星逆行

The Mercury has been going backwards for a few days now. I don’t dread that much about this period. For, I know from rules of thumb that I am often fortunate enough to meet someone for the first time in years during this period.

The photo shows my small gifts for the good old friend I am going to meet tomorrow. I do hope she will like them.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

They say tonight’s full moon in called “strawberry moon” that will bring you true love.

Unconnectedly, as always I had a hard time practicing calligraphy, especially finding where to lay stress on or how to avoid laying too much stress.


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Is the Mercury’s retrogression an answer? 昔の作品

The photo shows my works from long time ago. I can’t even remember when I wrote them. These days I often withdraw these old ones. I wonder if it is a kind of effects from the Mercury’s retrogression. The motif is from a children’s song about fireflies.

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Night sky in winter 夜にも散歩

17161 17-1-5 17162

As in the evening of January 1st around seven o’clock my mother grew fretful like a little child, I put her on her wheel chair and we went out for a walk.

Then we found the crescent moon and the evening star beautifully shining. I straightforwardly admired my own mother for her expressing pure gratitude to the stars’ beauty.

Star and Moon/

Facing and smiling to each other/

To their beauty/


Extended gratitude/

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Invisible harvest moon 見えなかった中秋の名月


Tonight we could have seen the beautiful harvest moon. However, unfortunately it was cloudy. I made this haiku for my mother who loves to see the moon, especially the full moon.

Mother is eighty-eight/

Toward the harvest moon/

Is cloudy sky/

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Rainy season in Japan 夏至だけど

621 6.21

Today marks midsummer day. However, as it is right in the middle of the rainy season in Japan, we don’t sense much “light” around us.

On the gardenias/

Stark white rain is/


Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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New Moon in the Gemini, pt. 2: Turning point in life 双子座の新月その2:人生の転機


I read somewhere that it is good for you to start something new for taking this opportunity. However, no good ideas came into my mind. I only thought about growing more flowers in our garden to please my mother.

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New Moon in the Gemini 双子座の新月


I read somewhere that you might have a third eye today. However, I haven’t felt anything yet.

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