Future changes 変化は恐れない

It is easy just say that we must not fear changes.


However, in reality it is helplessly scary, but at the same time, I feel kind of excited imagining how I will undergo changes.




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I had a dream like this….

Sometime ago, I had an impressive dream.  In that dream, a number of horses were running energetically.  It was a really pleasant dream.  The weather was fine and the world was bright.  And all the horses looked very happy.


The horses were running down the Kawabata Street near my house, actually though.


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This phrase of the season is roughly allocated to mid-October.  It means “chrysanthemums bloom”.


Unfortunately, the flower is often associated with funerals these days in Japan.  However, cultured people often say it has been considered to be a prestigious kind of flower.


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Hospital visit

For the first time in months, I paid a visit to the hospital my late mother used to go and see her doctor, just wondering how many times I took her there.


Small handbag used/

For hospital visit has/

A fan for autumn use/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio


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Phrase of the season


“A flock of geese begin to fly in.”


This phrase is allocated roughly to the first half of October.


Flowers blooming in profusion of course mark the change of seasons, and on top of that, migrating birds both fly in and out also give the same effect to people’s minds and lives, I suppose.


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Both my first calligraphy teacher and my mother were born in the year of the dragon according to the Oriental Zodiac.


And here is “dragon”, a result of my copying practice of the work by my first calligraphy teacher.  I am afraid mine lacks dynamism that the original one innately possesses.


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Same lines, different styles

I practiced calligraphy following the models by my teacher that he left many years ago.


These are the same lines from a poem by Li Bai in two different writing styles.


I just wonder how I managed to practice these difficult tasks when I was a high school student.


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