〜Good! 萬歳!〜

This year, the whole world went through difficulties and many things happened to me, as well.  However, I enjoyed a lot showing my calligraphy in new scenes like I never did before.  Some people I met had beautiful, profound understanding on calligraphy, despite the fact that they themselves don’t actually practice it.  While some people just left me wondering how and where they got such absurd ideas about calligraphy.  And yet it could be summed up that everything that happened to me this year, I am certain, will stay in myself as precious input for further development as a calligrapher.


今年は世界中が大変なことでしたし、私にもたくさんのことが起こりました。けれどもそんな中、これまで知らなかった場で私の字を見てもらう機会に多く恵まれて楽しい一年でした。ご自分では筆は執らないけれど書に対して深く理解している人たちもいれば、どうやったら書に対してそんな突拍子もない考えを思いつくの? と尋ねたくなる人たちもいました。それでも要約すれば、今年私に起こったことは全て書家としての私にとって意義深い糧として私の中に残っていくことと思われるのです。


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〜High motive 年末に思うこと〜

This motto meaning “to accomplish a remarkable feat with a high aspiration” comes to my mind as the time is heading towards the end of the year.




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〜Calligraphy on a large cloth 行方不明〜

I wrote the Heart Sutra on a large linen cloth originally for making a store curtain to exhibit in my first solo exhibition in the beginning of 2009.  It was such a long time ago, and it is missing now.  Does this mean I have to try again, I wonder?




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〜Seasonal phrase 大鹿の角ねえ・・・〜

I learned this phrase, the last one for the year means “antlers of elks fall out”.  However, again and to my regret, I have no idea about that animal’s biology.




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〜Past and present 古に思いを馳せ、〜

It was a task at one of the lessons by my second calligraphy teacher.  The phrase means “to give deep thoughts to ancient heritage and shed lights to the present”, exactly what we must do when working on this culture and art called calligraphy that takes prides in thousands of years of history and tradition.




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〜Seasonal phrase 乃東生〜

I learned this phrase means some kind of plants, prunella spikes, sprout around this time.  However, I have no idea what kind of plants this is and I have no idea what connotation this phrase carries, either.  One more thing I learned was this was a kind of medical herb.


この時期には夏枯草という植物(草)が芽吹くという意味らしいですが、これのことを全く知りませんので、だからどういうことなの? ということも分かりません。薬草の一種らしいですが。


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〜Christmas card haiku 年末は忙しい〜

This is just another busy day in the end of the year for many of the neighborhood ladies.




On Christmas cards/

You will refrain from/

Writing vertically/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio


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〜Christmas Eve seven years ago 父へ〜

My father passed away on Christmas Eve seven years ago.  A lot of flowers were blooming on the little sasanqua tree in my garden.  Until then, it was just one of the little trees in my little garden, however, it is now something special.




Sasanqua blossoms deepen their color/

Year after year/

I think of my father/


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〜From Earth into Air 風の時代へ〜

From the viewpoint of astrology, the time has shifted from the time of earth energy that lasted more than 200 years to that of air energy.


And thus, it is “wind or air”, my favorite letter but very difficult.






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〜Abundant sensitiveness 豊かさとは〜

Lots of things happened to my life this year.  I was fortunate to participate in a couple of marchés where I was even more fortunate to meet with other exhibitors and visitors with luxuriant sensitivity toward the art of calligraphy and had a good talk with them.




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