新年の行事 Deities of good fortune

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詳しくは、綺麗な写真と一緒にこちらの記事をどうぞ! 大変な人出で写真がうまく撮れなかったからです。しかも、縁起物を付けてもらった笹を持って電車で帰るのはちょっと恥ずかしいということにも気づいてしまいました。


I visited Sennyuji Temple for a special festivity of Seven Deities of Good Fortune (in Japanese), because I heard this was where all the gods were enshrined in a rather small space.

As for this event, please refer to this article (in Japanese) with more details and beautiful photographs, since I didn’t get to take good pictures because there were so many visitors. On top of that, I felt a little embarrassed riding a train back holding a bamboo branch with good luck charms.

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