今週の双子座 Your property






Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting on January 12, which roughly goes:

The “goal” you will challenge to reach in this period will bring you a lot of properties. They maybe formless things such as information, communication channels and curious coincidences; rather than something tangible.

When I hear the word “property”, other words such as money and immovable estate come across my mind, though.

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今週の双子座 Pleasant breeze





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting on January 5, which roughly goes something like:

From this week onward, pleasant loving breeze will be blowing in the world of the Geminis. A number of “places you would like to visit” will occur to you, sailing with this tailwind.

Her metaphor of “pleasant breeze” makes her whole passage sounds a little autumnish. Still, as usual, her words give me a sense of excitement.

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蟹座の満月 Full Moon in Cancer





As the moon is ruler to the Cancer, this full moon is said to be very powerful.

Anyway, since I am a Gemini, I wrote some hints from this full moon according to Ms. Yukari Ishii (in Japanese), which roughly goes:

You may get something good as a result of your dreams fulfilled.

Your economic conditions maybe turning up as a result of your efforts paid off.

Both items are good for me!

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今週の双子座 Wider range of activities





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting on December 29, which roughly goes something like:

During this year-end and new-year period, the range of your activities will widen greatly. You may be paying a first visit at a more distant shrine compared to the ones you visited before, and you maybe meeting with people you seldom meet.

Just because it is very cold, I don’t feel like going out beyond necessity, though.

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今週の双子座 God of good fortune





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting from December 22, which roughly goes something like:

If you encounter someone new this week, whatever the kind of encounter that is, he or she would eventually be a “God of fortune” for you who will endow you with something wonderful.

The idea of “a new encounter” makes me feel thrilled.

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山羊座の新月 New Moon in Capricorn




I chose a passage from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment for the Geminis this New Moon suggests:

Milestone of involvement with others’ increasing weight

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今週の双子座 Less stressful week for the Geminis





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting from December 15, which roughly goes something like:

You will be enjoying a tranquil state of mind with the sense of tension gradually decreasing. If you have been feeling the momentum you have be superficial or you have lost a balance because of the strong momentum, you may get a soft touch landing on the ground so lightly.

I am glad to read the passage as I have had many things to do for a while.

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なるほど・・・ Bibliomancy





I tried bibliomancy using a book by Ms. Yukari Ishii (in Japanese).

As a matter of fact, I am tempted to write small letters using a fine brush from time to time.

The passage goes something like:

Even the people who share the same “place” or “concern” can be seeing different pictures.

Some people are thinking only of themselves.

Some are merely thinking about only one person.

Some can have a total prospect.

Some are able to view themselves from outside the circle.

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今週の双子座 How will the Geminis spend the week?





Here is a quotation by Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting from December 8, which roughly goes something like:

In this period, your “desire for something” may activate a treasurable communication between you and someone else.

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双子座の満月 Full Moon in Gemini





Stars gift us, Geminis “special time”. (as Ms. Yukari Ishii suggests (in Japanese))

I wonder what kind of special events will come to me. I think I must make them happen.

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