〜If you see the sky, your life is OK.  空が見える〜

Following is what an elderly lady says who I respect deeply: “When you look up and see the sky, and if you have a bed to sleep on tonight, everything about your life is OK”




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〜Mother’s hometown  年に2回だけの墓参〜

Today I went to my late mother’s hometown, Hirakata, Osaka to visit her family grave, which I regularly do twice a year.  It is a good old place that brings me fond memories, however, I am afraid it is moving away from me little by little.  For, I think, people I used to see there have all left me.




Light flows through the/

Hometown to/

Be a river in spring/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜More goody  初めてのお味〜

My important friend who brought many delicacies to the party the other day, also gave me some Sauerkraut.  I think this was not exactly the first time for me to taste it, but it was definitely the first time to have a substantial amount.  I surely enjoyed it!




Heard a noise of a cabbage/

Tighten up swirling/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Copying the calligraphy by my teacher  快活さ〜

〜Copying the calligraphy by my teacher  快活さ〜


I have done this many times before and I am determined to continue this way of practicing as long as my life lasts.  Then, once again, I practiced copying my first teacher had left.  “It is desirable to spend days with the flow of spirits of the young.”




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〜Faraway scenery  光流れて〜

I was gazing into this painting for some time at an acquaintance’s place, and she gave it to me.  I was moved and felt very happy, because it must have been given to her by her important friend.  I had a feeling it looked like a faraway place both spaciously and timewise.  And I was inspired to write “Light flows”.




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〜Fifty gerbera daisies  大きな花束〜

I received a huge bouquet on a beautiful spring day.  I just put the flowers in a vase, which looked so small, indeed!  I offer my deepest thanks.




Packed into a bundle are/

So many gerbera flowers of different colors/


Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Worms move  啓蟄〜

Today marks Jingzhe, the season when wintering insects come out of hibernation.  I searched a poem from ancient China by this keyword and found this interesting one.  It is only a passage of the whole poem that expresses “wondering in fields inadvertently to find myself at your door”, which I think a poor excuse.




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〜Nature moves  草木萠動

This is the first seasonal phrase for March, which means “as the weather gets warmer, vegetation begins to bud”.  The last Chinese character means “to move”.  I feel this is the most suitable character for the phenomenon.




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〜Party! Party! 雛祭りの女子会〜

A very good, longtime friend of mine came with a lot of homemade delicacies and quality booze; and precious antique cups for tea from ancient China around four hundred years ago, which we used as saké cups.  Despite all those good things to eat and drink; and to see and use; on the girls’ dolls festival day, our conversation was the best thing we had.




Cold days of lilacs/

Nothing moves/

In the antique shop/


O the month of February/

A dreamer/

At the antique market/


Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Many shapes for one character 寿 壽〜

I collected many forms of letters for only one character 寿, that means “happy longevity” for my future productions.  The letter寿has lots of variations, among of which this one looks definitely the most intriguing to me.




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