Mother smiles

My mother is playing a little child’s smile, at the table of the special dishes for the New Year, although they aren’t cooked in an orthodox manner.  I just prepared them casually to please my mother.


I think they brought back her old, fond memories of her childhood days.


Mother smiles/

Special meal for the New Year/

Brought back her child’s mind/


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Utmost joy

Waking up mother/

Little, pleasant time/

Reflected in the fall sunshine/


Today, the third Monday of September, is designated as the Respect-for-Senior-Citizen Day in Japan.

When I wake up my 91-year-old mother and help her get ready and have breakfast is my happiest time these days.

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Afternoon nap

I thought I would practice a lot today.  However, seeing my mother nodding off sitting beside me, I myself became sleepy as well….

Drowsiness turns/

Ink slab/

Into late summer sea/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio.

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Collaboration by four people

  1.  First my mother wrote the big letters, “Gold” and “Fish”:
  2.  Then I searched and found a poem from the ancient China about pretty gold fish.  And I wrote the poem in small letters around the big ones by my mother:
  3.  One of the caregivers that looked after my mother then was very good at the art of folding paper into various figures (origami) and she made those golden fish:


  1.  A craftsman from the picture framer I always ask my works to be framed came up with this stylish frame.

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Memory of a summer day

I wrote this one about four years ago after visiting the facility for the elderly my mother then belonged to for the first time for a fun event for both the elderly and their families, a little concert of reed pipes.

In every household/

Is a good-hearted oldster/

Gourd flowers/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio

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Please stay cool

As a little, humble present for the temple we follow and support, I asked my mother to write one letter on a paper fan, a hiragana  (Japanese syllabary character).  The letter is the first one of the temple’s name.  As my mother turned 91 years old last month and is rapidly forgetting various things, I showed her what to write.

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