Here is a haiku of irregular rhythm I made around one year ago.
People may be celebrating Mother’s Day in a new and different manner from they used to.
I took up a blouse/
Mother’s Day/
Is coming near/
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Here is a haiku of irregular rhythm I made around one year ago.
People may be celebrating Mother’s Day in a new and different manner from they used to.
I took up a blouse/
Mother’s Day/
Is coming near/
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This is my favorite image, the image of love’s inexhaustibility.
Now, I know I am immersed in it. Thinking back now, I realize I have always been.
I wonder how I could change into the giving part.
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Exactly one year ago, the very first day of this new era, that is, my mother did this 令和at the facility for the elderly. She was ninety then.
Remembering her, I composed a haiku on this.
My mother/
Her calligraphy name: 絹笑 reached the era of 令和/
Summer is approaching, just around the next door/
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Someone came over and offered this flower arrangement for my mother who loved to see white flowers and passed away in February.
I only wish she had survived to see these beautiful flowers.
Live for today/
See white flowers/
Oh, the month of February/
Calligraphy and translation by Chio
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Spring is just around the corner. And I only remember my late mother.
It was such a happy time for me to push my mother’s wheel chair and take a walk with her under cherry trees on a river bank.
So deeply linked by fate/
Mother and daughter/
Even got tired of the fate/
Spring breeze laughs at the two/
Going, going laughing at them/
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[wpvideo OhKFC2og]
I posted a new video on my YouTube channel (chio_art).
Check this and enjoy seeing how characters are born out of an artist’s arm and a small brush!
The video shows my piece of a tanka by Hakushū Kitahara.
As a matter of fact, I chose this one two years ago for collaboration work with my late mother, when I asked her to write the last one letter, “FLOWER”.
Those who saw her letter were all amazed at its dynamic touch.
But here, please enjoy the movement of the small brush produced by my arm.
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My mother and I created four-parter works last year with her big letters of flower names and my haiku about those flowers.
This “DAFFODIL” was the first one we did and our teacher suggested we do other flowers, as well.
Then I got a hint from her comment and thought we would make works about flowers of the four seasons.
Daffodils are/
Assertion that/
Pierces the frost/
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For some years now, I have been interested in visiting shrines at various occasions.
Today it is Setsubun, the end of the winter according to the old lunar calendar, so I went to Yoshida Shrine, the most famous shrine in Kyoto regarding this occasion, where people say most elderly people in Kyoto gather for the occasion.
Oh, birds chirp/
Shrine gave me the oracle/
Written on a pale-green paper/
Translation and calligraphy by Chio
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People have long celebrated the day, January 15 as a kind of second New Year Day, because according to the lunar calendar, it marks the first full moon after the New Year Day.
The well-known shrine in my neighborhood provides rice porridge cooked with azuki beans every year.
I got some for my mother who will turn 92 in summer, because the porridge is supposed and expected to bring good luck to the elderly.
I wrote “avoiding disaster”, “inviting happiness”, “health” and “longevity” for her.
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Yesterday my mother and I went to the exhibition venue held annually by my teacher.
This year we turned in four pretty big works describing four kinds of flowers of the seasons.
Everyone was very much impressed with my mother’s works.
It seemed little attention was paid to my works of my own haiku about those flowers.
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