Happy birthday!, pt. 2 我が家初の米寿(その2)

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My mother turned 88 years old yesterday. Wishing her longevity and in commemoration and for a happy memory for both of us, we went to see lotus flowers at the Kyoto Botanical Garden.

After that, in the afternoon, I asked her to write the letter for lotus, and I added a phrase from an ancient Chinese poem, describing women picking lotus flowers.

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Happy birthday! 我が家初の米寿

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My mother turned 88 years old today. One of my precious friends sent us a premium Japanese saké to celebrate both my mother’s 88th birthday and my 61st birthday just one month ago.

My mother hadn’t had any alcoholic drinks for years, but this time, she was happy enough to taste a little bit of this saké appreciating the sender’s kind heart.

Now, you can easily see that my fondness for Japanese saké is very well known among my friends and acquaintances, one example being the past entry.

Clear chilled saké /

Hint of rosy early evening sky/

Reflected on the glass/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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More presents, pt 2 喜んでもらえるかな(その2)

more presents

Again, just like the other day, my mother wrote these for her old friend and my old friend.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

7.9.1 7.9.2

The photos show both sides of an uchiwa fan. I wrote my own haiku on the back side, which was my first attempt. At first I wanted to write a haiku written and exhibited by an entertainment personality who belongs to Johnny & Associates, Inc, however, my teacher told me to write my own.

On the night of tanabata festival/

Both mother and daughter (me)/

Are in the space/

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More presents 喜んでもらえるかな


My mother wrote these just like the other day for my cousins and my good old friend who are visiting us soon. I hope these will please my cousins and friend.

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Diptych アイデア後付けですが


The photo shows a two-parter collaboration by my mother and myself, which decorates our entry.

The idea of creating a diptych came afterwards, though.

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White bird 何やってるの?

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I took this photo along the Takano River (in Japanese) near our home where my mother in a wheel chair and myself often go for a walk, wondering what the bird was doing poking its head into the small waterfall.

I asked my friend who came to celebrate my birthday the other day showing the picture and she told me it was trying to catch small fish.

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Hydrangea とにかく好きな花でして

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I love hydrangeas.

I recall the hydrangea in our garden originally came from the garden of my mother’s longtime good friend who is already gone.

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Best friend, pt1 持つべきものは(その1)


The photo shows uchiwa fans with my mother’s calligraphy on them for her best friend. I am certain her longtime friend will be very glad to receive them.

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Happy birthday! 手本がいいと思いませんか


Today is my birthday. I think my mother’s calligraphy is the best birthday gift for me. For, her works are all very good because they show well how properly she looks at my samples and how skillfully she imitates them.

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