〜Zen phrase for this time of year 足元を見て〜

I found this term after searching for a Zen phrase suited to this cold time of year.  It apparently means that you should check where you stand now, and by extension, it is thought to mean that you should confirm where exactly you are at present.  However, I do not know why this should be appropriate for this cold season.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜All is splendorous 一月らしい禅語〜

As we are approaching the end of January, I searched for a Zen phrase suited to January or the New Year.  It apparently means that a little incident such as “the New Year” renews people’s spirits.  Then, everything, that is, people, physical matters, animals, and plants, starts to look fresh and bright.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Satori 雪の朝〜

The phrase apparently means satori exists in the silent world after the blaze of earthly desires was blown off.  It certainly was quiet on the snowy morning.  However, I do not understand what satori was.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Promise of spring 寒いけれども明るい〜

This is a Zen phrase of this time of year.  Apparently, it means “Bright light of springtime extends beneficence and everything radiates”.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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〜Some things never change ある禅語〜

I found this Zen term when I looked for one suitable for this season.  Apparently, it means “although white clouds come into the world one after another and change their shapes and places constantly, the mountain remains the same.”

In other words, it means “some things never change” and I gave a big nod to the theory.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Zen phrase 人との出逢い〜

“I meet someone.”  I was thrilled when I found this Zen term.  Meeting with someone helps expand your life.  I am going to meet this kind of “someone” today.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Stream of water 不変ということ〜

I found this term when I looked for a Zen phrase suited to this season.  Stream of water does not stop.  It continues without changing.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.


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さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。



〜Common old phrase  よく見聞きしますよね〜

“Balmy southern wind is blowing.”

I am afraid many people would ask why I want to write this well-known and often seen and heard Zen phrase.  Moreover, I found a number of theories about its origin.

Still, I have a pleasant feeling when writing this passage and I think that concludes all well (and good).


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like Calligrapher Chio to write, please let her know by sending it (them) to her address, chio_art@yushokai.com

Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com as well.






さて、知櫻の書で見てみたいと思われるお好きな字や、言葉などがありましたら、chio_art@yushokai.com までお教えください。

知櫻の書のご依頼も、chio_art@yushokai.com までお願いいたします。


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〜In two styles 花無心〜

I tried to write one Zen phrase meaning any work that is done innocently is the most beautiful, long-lasting and beneficial to the world in two different styles.


If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com






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〜Zen idea  実現出来れば・・・〜

It is sunny and pleasant now, but the rainy season started much earlier than normal this year, and in addition, we have had consecutive hard rain, which is rather depressing.  This is one of Zen phrases which apparently means “to find the sun in the rain and draw clear water from the burning fire”.  I am afraid it takes a lot of effort to be so philosophical about life.
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