Autumn begins

Looking after an old parent is no easy task, even if you are dealing with your own mother.

According to the old lunar calendar, today marks the first day of autumn.

Unleashing love-hate/

To mom/

Autumn begins/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio

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Dragons in the air

As my first calligraphy teacher (秋山公道the late Mr. Akiyama Kodo) and my mother were both born in the year of dragon, I like visiting shrines associated with dragons.

Yesterday, I went to Shinsenen Shrine.  It was a beautiful place full of agreeable atmosphere.  I felt pleasant breeze blowing but unfortunately, I didn’t feel existence of dragons around, which some people with supernatural power may feel.

The photo shows my work of the letter 龍or dragon and a passage on the written oracle I got there.

Just outside your eaves/

It maybe storming/


Inside your house/

Is springlike warmth/

Translation by Tomoko

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Birthday girl!

Today is my mother’s 91stbirthday.  She hasn’t been very well for some time.  But now she seems to be recovering her health. It is thanks, I think, to all the well-wishes and help from the people around her.

Even the rainy season feels nice and sweet/

When I cook the millet seeds/

My dear friend sent us for her/

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Thinking of you 祈り

I have a dear friend who says she always thinks of my mother and me.

I suppose to think is to pray.

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It actually happened 実話です

At this time of the year, I seem to be thinking what would be a good present for my mother with little awareness of it.

I picked up a blouse/

Mother’s Day is coming near/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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やはりこの時期には、プレゼントは何がいいかな・・・? と考えているみたいです。

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Same interest 母娘の作品

Yesterday, my mother did some calligraphy at the facility for the elderly (above).

About the same time, I was practicing calligraphy at home (below).

The caregiver who drove my mother home looked a little surprised to know we were doing the same thing.

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Visiting the grave, at last やっとの事で

This month I finally got to visit the grave of my mother’s natal home.  It was the fourth try since I first planned it.  I was almost angry with my grandpa, suspecting if he didn’t want me to come and visit him.

When I was preparing the offerings for the ancestors, a lady came and talked to me.  I was sorry I didn’t remember her, because she was one of my distant relatives.

I then had a new idea that maybe he tried to make me come at that time of that day.

In the spring sunlight/

Only dusts are dancing in the air/

What never changes/

Is Mother’s hometown/

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今月に入ってようやく母の実家のお墓参りに行きました。初めに計画したときから数えると4回目でした。もうだいぶクサっていましたよ。おじいちゃんは私に来て欲しくないのか!? とか。


おじいちゃんは、この日、このときにおいで、と呼んでくれたのか? と思い直しました。

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Fondness for a color 長年の好み

My mother loves clothing of indigotic color.

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Women love their hair 髪は女の命


Yesterday I took my mother to a beauty parlor.

Beautician’s hands/

Working lightly/

Cool breeze/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Custom of visiting a grave お彼岸なので


I was planning to visit the grave of my mother’s natal home.  However, some serious affair prevented me from it.


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