Simmering cooking technique これぞ和食?

fuki okara takenoko food

In order to accommodate my mother’s taste, these days I often cook traditional kind of simmered dishes. I never imagined myself cooking like this when I was young.

Smell of sweet coltsfoots/

On the tips of my fingers/

Lingers something/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Springtime picnic サンドイッチで

sadwich travel

Although I never intend to put in a good word about it (in fact, the store worker had a terrible attitude), my mother and I happened to buy sandwiches at a nearby shop of a famous coffeehouse chain and had them on the river bank of the Takano River (in Japanese) enjoying the cherry blossoms which were only early stage of blooming then.

Taking a walk

With one flower petal/

As a gift/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Unclear sky and cherry blossoms 花曇り

4.3 4,3

According to the expectation by many people that the cherry blossoms this year are at their best today, my mother and I went to enjoy them to the river bank of the Takano River (in Japanese).

As my mother is most pleased with the place, we usually walk up and down the bank.

Overcast weather/

In the cherry blossom season/

Took the same way when returning/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!


Practicing all day was such a gratifying occasion for me.

I am profoundly thankful to my mother who agreed to stay at the nursing-care institution for a couple of nights.

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Returning to innocence 子供に還る

3.3 3,3

I often hear one goes back to their childhood as growing in age.

Mother is making merry/

In her re-gained/


Oh, sunlight/

Flipped by suncatchers/

__ Tomoko

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Mom loves knitting. 着せ替えたぬき?

3.2 3,2

Actually, I kept wondering how my mother has been spending time at the day-care facility and at last, I found out she completed knitting a scarf for the raccoon dog figure of Shigaraki ware at the entrance.

Has acquired a little bit of boldness/

Since beginning to wear a/

Red scarf/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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It is already March, but… もう3月なんですけどね

3.1 sr JC

I bought a couple of Japanese sweets for my mother and myself named “rabbit”.

The snow rabbit made by my old mother who has become quite clumsy doesn’t pale so much.

O, month of February/

Beautiful is/

Japanese confectionery/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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People’s lives 人生って?

Ms. S

Following is a quotation from an e-mail message from a social worker I really trust.

“How people come into the world, struggle to live, grow old and pass away is not something smooth.

That is exactly the reason I would never want to miss the short-lived glow.”

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♫ Grandpa’s gonna take me to… ♫ 動物園

2-28 2.28 Baku

My mother and I went to the zoo today.

At first she wasn’t quite happy about the idea but I have a fond memory about the zoo where my grandfather often took me when I was a little child. He loved me dearly because I was his first lineal grandchild.

My mother with her mental disorder has become interestingly undefended and recently we have truth talks from time to time. Before that, she seldom talked about my grandfather who passed away more than fifty years ago, but these days she often says she liked him for his kindheartedness.

However, the zoo looked much different from the one in my memory, as its refurbishing was just completed last year.

Looking for a cage of Baku/

Spring afternoon in the/


Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Very good haiku! 詠んだ人偉いよね

1.28 1,18

I kept trying to take my mother in wheel chair for a walk twice a day if at all possible since early fall last year. And while walking, we have seen these pyracantha fruits many times. Even now, we see these red fruits many times in many places.

This haiku is very well formulated, I thought, with this accurate expression, “malice”.

When looked at directly/

Pyracantha fruits/

Malice with a capital/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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