Gerbera flowers from Mrs. M’s garden ガーベラの花

Gerbera daisies that late Mrs. M. who was a very good friend of my mother’s gave us bloomed this spring again.

If primulas are grandpa’s flowers, gerberas are Mrs. M’s flowers.

Gerbera daisies/

Keep on blabbering/

In the darkness/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

Because the task for today’s practice session was to choose and write one letter from our own name, in other words, the same as the last time, this time I chose one from my mother’s name.

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Little flowers in our garden プリムラ

In our garden, primula flowers are beginning to bloom year in, year out.  My mother told me my granddad liked this flower and when she got married and came to our house to live, the flowers were already there.
My mother and I didn’t know the name and used to call this flower “granddad’s flower” until the lady next door who is a keen gardener taught us it was “primula”.


Is a very warm/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Regular visit to the grave 記憶の通り

Today I paid a visit to the grave of my mother’s family, which I do twice a year.

In my mother’s hometown, I have always felt more sunlight, that is, less shaded areas, and the air with much more dusts compared to Kyoto, my hometown.

In the spring sunlight/

Only dusts are/

Rising up/

Nothing has changed/

In mom’s hometown/

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Beautiful names 親子の縁

My mother’s name is Kinue and mine is Tomoko. I put these sounds Ki, Nu, E, Tomo, and Ko at the beginning of each line and wrote a poem.

I got this idea from a wonderful poem with a warm taste I found at a calligraphy exhibition I visited the other day.

Apparently, a mother wrote a poem putting the sounds of her daughter’s name at the beginning of each line, which I heard made the daughter so very happy. I tried the same manner.


Who are you?

What a strong bond we have had!

Like a coloring picture/

Let us continue painting together/

This picture of our lives, so VIVID/

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Another well-received work in the well-received exhibition 解説つき

This is another one I sent to the exhibition. It has my own tanka and haiku about my mother and looking after her. However, as I was afraid my poetry writing was not good enough to convey my feelings and present situation, I put a commentary as well.


Star and Moon/

Facing each other like smiling at each other/

To their beauty/

Mother offers/



Taking old mother’s hand/

Flying in the universe together/

Starlit night/


I was pleasantly surprised to see my mother offering her gratitude to the beauty of the Venus and the Moon facing each other as if they were smiling at each other, when I put her in her wheel chair and went out for a short walk, because she became fretful after dinner one evening in fall.


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Exhibition of the new year ご満悦

My mother and I went to the new-year exhibition of the works by our teacher and her students. My mother is smiling so delightedly. Just as the last year, I asked her to write one letter, this time “flower”.

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I asked my mother the same thing as the last year. 「一文字企画」再び

I chose a tanka by Hakushū Kitahara for a collaboration work with my mother. As I did last year I asked her to write the last one letter meaning “flower”.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

This is what I desire the most at the moment, peace of mind. However, I definitely want to keep on challenging even for the sake of my mother who continuously gives fits to me.

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Things of the past 興味の変遷

My mother with mental disorder seems to be forgetting many things from the past. She definitely liked shaved ice, however, it doesn’t interest her any more at present.

Kindness called forgetting/

Oh, shaved ice/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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