六月が行く Month of June is ending

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I have a deep emotional attachment to June because of my birthday (19th) and my favorite flower, hydrangea.


Month of June is/

Brightened up/

By hydrangea/


Something is reflected/

In the mirror/

Of June/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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お稽古、楽しい! I love taking calligraphy lessons!




Twisting paper into a string was the hardest part. I simply was led to think how clever people in old times were.

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お洒落、かな? Do you think it will be chic?


別々に書いたものを3枚並べてみました。まとめて表具してもらったらいいかも? と思って母に見せると、「ウン、いい。お洒落だ」と言い出しました。お洒落だという表現を知っていたのか。


I wrote these three separately but I thought they will make a good piece if framed into one and asked my mother for her opinion. Following is what she said, “Yes! They will look chic if framed together.” I didn’t know she had “chic” in her vocabulary.

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実用書道 Actual use of calligraphy




Someone liked my style of calligraphy for its kind of uniqueness and asked me to write a phrase for a campaign for collecting signatures. I don’t have any ideas if these would work. I am even less certain if they would like my calligraphy and employ it.

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お稽古、楽しい! I love taking calligraphy lessons!

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My teacher kindly gave a good account of my work saying “Self-assertiveness is important in the form of art.” However, I think it is the balance between technique and sense of expressing oneself and true ability based on sincere and persistent effort that is essential.

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