Peaceful New Year days 今年のお正月

1.21 121 1,21

This year started with warm, sunny, windless and peaceful days. My mother in wheel chair and I enjoyed walking along the Takano River near our place many times. The flowing water twinkled and the floral buds on the cherry trees along the river looked already began growing.

Mother said it was her first time to enjoy such a peaceful, beautiful New Year days and that it would be her last time. You will never know what would become of us in the future, but….

Spent a peaceful, warm New Year/

With mother who is/

Back in her childhood at heart/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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First snowfall of the season 初雪の朝

120 1.20 111

This morning I woke up to find first snowfall this winter. Because of my poor health in my childhood, my mother would make a snow rabbit for me when I was absent from school with cold, which often happened in winter. I decided to reverse roles now and make one for her, but unfortunately I am too clumsy. She tried to make another try later. However, my old mother seems to have lost dexterity in a hand.


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Rainbow-sign of good fortune? 冬の虹

1141 1142 1.14

Actually, I saw this rainbow the photo shows about three weeks ago, when I went out of the nearby grocery store after a hectic shopping for preparation for the New Year. I surely took this photo hoping for many good fortunes in the coming year, however, I had so many chores afterward.

Moderately damp stubs/

Oh, winter rainbow!/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Special practice session 特別稽古日でした


Since a young friend of mine with a little interest in calligraphy came to our place, my mother, the visitor and I practiced together. I am sorry for my friend because my mother and I sort of forced her to help my mother kill great amount of free time.

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Familiar view 光る水面

12.13 12,13

The glittering surface of the Takano River that has been so familiar since my childhood strikes me as something very new when viewed with my mother in a wheel chair. In other words, it is a sequel of this.

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Contemplation 観想


To contemplate profoundly focusing on one target.

As my mother is suffering mentally, she seems to have difficulty concentrating her mind on one thing.

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Moment of exposure 水鳥の姿

121 12.1

I wasn’t thinking much when I pressed the shutter button, while walking with my mom in a wheel chair, however, the result, this photo pleased me.

Shower brightened up/



Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Color purple アケビの実

1124 11.24

Almost every day, my mother in a wheel chair and I go to this house while taking a walk to see the fruits on a tree planted to grow on a rack at the entrance.

Neither for eating/

Nor showing/

Akebia fruit/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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Hello! こんにちは!


When my mother in a wheel chair and I take a walk, total strangers such as people walking by and people heartily working in their gardens often pleasantly call to us, “Hello!”. I wonder if my mother’s appearance makes people want to say, “hi!”.

Anyway, because of this new routine of ours, our neighbors think I am “a devoted daughter”, since we try to practice it every day and twice a day if possible.

Wheel chair sings along/

With the breeze/

Indian summer sky/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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