〜Review on last year 最終は、感謝〜

When I recall new things that happened to my life last year, I instantly think of several kinds of what you might call “art marchés” I was allowed to participate in.  I found out each marché had its character and clientele.

I had always believed that my calligraphy was of a certain level because I practiced under a distinguished calligrapher for a long time since childhood.

However, to my great pleasure, it turned out that I enjoyed more appreciation than I had expected from many people in a number of occasions.

Now, I am once again reminded of my good fortune to have met a renowned calligrapher and his wife, equally a splendid calligrapher herself, as my teachers; and that my late parents let me go to their school for a long time.

So, this is “delight (happiness), confidence, gratitude”.







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〜Lion dance 伝統芸能〜

Two of my “Facebook friends” probably with no connection at all happened to have posted videos of “Lion dance” or 獅子舞 recently.  Because I didn’t know it was still around, I was a bit surprised.  Seeing it at my mother’s parents’ home when I was a child was the last time.  I hear my grandpa was living large when young.  So, various kinds of peddlers came to his house to sell high priced produce; and street performers, as well, for good gift money.

Thinking of it now, seeing Lion dance up close was a unique experience, however, as I was a little child, I just got terrified and cried terribly.






O seas, mountains, rivers/

Of hometown/

Lion’s mask of the New Year lion dance/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio


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〜Same character もらい物〜

A neighborhood lady gave me big, fresh Iyokan (Iyo citrus fruits).  Then I remembered that I wrote “auspicious dream” a while back, and noticed “auspicious” and “fresh” are expressed with the same kanji character or Chinese character.




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〜More and more good old memories 古いものが次々と〜

Old things appear one after another.  For those who know or remember my first calligraphy teacher and his wife should find these goods ever so meaningful and valuable.




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〜Seasonal phrase 暖かくなってきましたが〜

The segmented seasonal phrase for the end of January is this, “Streams freeze over quite thickly”.  Actually, we have been enjoying warmer weather these several days.  But “streams” mean small rivers up the mountains, so I am afraid it will take some more time for us to enjoy entirely springlike weather.




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〜Old models 原点はここですが〜

I did some practice with the old models given to me by my first teacher when I was a six grader of my elementary school, wondering how I worked at them in those days.


小学6年のときにいただいたお手本で練習。当時、これをどれだけこなせていたのかしら? と考えながら。


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〜Seasonal phrase 蕗のとう〜

It was a little late timing to post this one.  “Swelling are Japanese butterbur sprouts.”  It was troublesome to find an English translation (equivalence?) of this plant.  That isn’t a reason for this delay, though.




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〜Good old memory 知育玩具〜

Cleaning the house brings many old things from somewhere.  I remember very well that I had a lot of fun playing with this.  But it also shows how my parents (maybe, my grandpa, as well) were keen on their daughter’s education from the first, doesn’t it?




For voices of late parents/

Expecting so eagerly/

O winter geese/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio


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〜Calligraphy on wood 波動〜

I found this small piece of wood, the size of a postcard, at a stationery shop.  I believe this is for carving a prototype for New Year cards and what not.  I found it is quite easy to write on with a brush.  The two letters are 波動 meaning “wave motion” or “energy”.




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〜Rain in winter 久しぶりの雨〜

It has been raining quite steadily since early morning, and it is the first rain in a long time.




The moment the rain in cold season/


A soul ascends to heaven/

Translation and calligraphy by Chio


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