Refreshed シャワー


A nurse came to our house yesterday to help my mother wash her body and shampoo in a shower in our bathroom. Although mom insisted she did all by herself, it would naturally just impossible without the nurse’s kind, dedicated and efficient help.

Took a shower/

Wondering how many summers/

Will I (my mom get to) meet with.

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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かき氷 Enjoyment in summer

7.17 7,17



I made some sweet shaved ice for my mother who was a little feverish. It is always so easy to please her however she maybe.

Oh, shaved ice/

Gentleness called/


Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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ピンクのお花 Little roses




A kind neighbor of ours gave us some roses from her garden, caring about my mother who is still recuperating from a serious condition, with some warm-hearted words of “Some flowers on a dining-table will cheer you up.”

Shown in a different place/

Roses change a dining-table/

Into a rose-table/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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母の日 Happy Mother’s Day!

5.11 5,10




It is another calm Sunday. I only baked an easy kind of dessert for my mother using coating dough for jiao-zi dumpling and canned fruits, and neither it rained.

Baked some sweets/

Rainy Mother’s Day is/

About to ebb/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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5月1日の花 Custom in France





I heard it was customary in France on May first to present lilies of the valley to those who were kind to them to show appreciation. I find it such a nice thing to do in this season.

This haiku has no relation to this French custom. I just chose it because my mother checked out of the hospital today.

Released from the hospital/

Holding a bouquet of/

Lilies of the valley/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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辰年生まれ Only one imaginary animal




Two most important people in my life, my calligraphy teacher and my mother were both born in the year of dragon, the only imaginary animal of the twelve symbolic animals in Oriental Zodiac.

I just wonder what this implies.

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