まとまった雨 Substantial rainfall

rt 4.3



This afternoon we had a considerable amount of rain. Still, I think the cherry blossoms in full bloom will stay for some more time.

Every time rain falls/

Tree trunks grow more shiny/

Spring-like weather has come/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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早い満開 Cherry blossoms in full bloom

4.2 4,2



The cherry blossoms this spring seemed to have reached full bloom since they came into blossom. I don’t know why but somehow gusty winds often seem to occur when cherry blossoms are beautifully in bloom.

Cherry blossoms in full bloom/

Bring in/

Disheveled hair/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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嘘の出来 How clever a lie is


一瞬でばれる嘘をつく人を見ると、この人本気なのかしら? とか考えてしまいます。



Whenever I see someone who tells a lie that would be out instantly, I wonder how serious this person is.

Anyway, I think telling lies is utterly wrong, except for the cute, amusing ones in adherence with the spirit of April Fools Day (if there were something like it, that is).

How far did my lie/

Go, I wonder/

April Fools Day/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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パンジー Little flower

3.29 3,29



I got this flower around the end of last year as a giveaway when I bought some flowers to offer on the family altar.

Pansy is tiny/

Even looking at it/


Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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春の出逢い Happy meeting

3.22 3,22 322





I enjoyed meeting with someone for the first time in months and someone absolutely for the first time.

And together we enjoyed various kinds of Japanese sweets, namely, sakuramochi, warabimochi and mitarashi dango. I enjoyed having a bowl of matcha for the first time in years.

I think I really like this haiku about sakuramochi, which I chose as a practice material when Yushokai had practice sessions regularly.

Love affair/

Easily forgotten/

Only by eating sakuramochi/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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美しい日本語・催花雨 One type of rain

3.19 3.19



It has been raining since yesterday evening. A TV weatherperson talked about a beautiful, sophisticated Japanese phrase that describes specifically the rain at this time of year, namely, “the rain whose purpose may be to urge the flowers to bloom immediately”.

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ついに Song of spring




This morning, I heard a Japanese bush warbler’s singing, a happy symbol of the spring season for the Japanese, first time this year. As I have been quite busy these days, I only may have missed it before, though.

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先取り Glorious weather




It was pretty warm today, as it was already height of spring. The air even felt velvety.

The phrase expresses calmness and brightness of spring days.

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いいね! Like!

3.15 3,14



Last month, needless to say, I sent some small boxes of chocolate to the living as well. And yesterday, I was only too happy to receive some appetizing chocolates from a young honest guy who got a research job a little far from Kyoto.

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やっぱり寒いし・・・ Yet another cold day




It was another very cold day with pretty strong chilly wind. I hope it will grow warm soon.

The phrase expresses cold weather returning in spring.

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