〜Another attempt 二人の詩人〜

A visitor at the Tokyo venue of the traveling exhibition some time ago taught me about Li Shangyin, another poet from the same days as Li He, one of whose major works I chose for my piece to be displayed at the exhibition.  Thus, this time I chose a work by Li Shangyin as a motif for my calligraphy as the photo here shows.  I am really grateful to this visitor and pleased to see my own horizon of art expand.


Li Shangyin was born approximately twenty years after Li He who is often called a “poet of dreams or mirage”.  It is believed that the former had a special emotional involvement toward the latter.


Requests for Chio’s calligraphy are accepted at chio_art@yushokai.com.


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先日の巡回展の東京会場においでくださったある方が、私の作品が李賀の詩を取り上げたものだったので、同時代の別の詩人 李商隠 を教えてくれました。そこで、画像にありますように、今度は李商隠の詩を書きました。この方に感謝しておりますし、自分自身のアートの幅が広くなるのを感じ、大変嬉しく思います。








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