It has been a few days since I began asking my readers to tell me their favorite character(s) or phrase(s) so I can write it (them) with a brush, that is, in a calligraphic style. Then I began thinking if someone made the same question to me, what would I answer. And then, pretty vaguely I was thinking of this letter, 楓 “maple” because it is about the time the leaves will turn beautiful red or orange. It was just at that time, I received a message from a very good friend of mine, saying she likes a Japanese rock band, their song called 楓 and this letter 楓 itself. I was so thrilled my body trembled a little. Was it because the season led both of us to have the same idea or was there something more?
If you have a favorite character or phrase that you would like me to write, please let me know by sending it (them) to my address, chio_art@yushokai.com.
先日から、お好きな字や言葉を教えてくださいとお願いしていますが、ふと、誰かにそれを聞かれたら? と考えていました。それで思いついたのは「楓」。これから綺麗に色づく季節を迎える「楓」。とぼんやり考えているときに、大事な友人から、ある日本のロックバンドが好きで、彼らの「楓」という曲が好きだし、この「楓」という字そのものも好きだから、この字を書いて欲しいとのメールを受信しました。ちょっと身震いしました。単にそういう季節だから同じことを考えたと言ってしまえばそれだけのことですが。
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