お稽古、楽しい! I love taking calligraphy lessons!





When Yushokai had regular lessons, I provided all the necessary utensils, including even paper for the students. I was well aware that some people considered it lack of confidence as a teacher on my part or just excessive service. However, that idea is absolutely wrong, for it is because I was in the higher position, I wasn’t willing to put any burden on my students…Actually, to tell the truth, I just wished Yushokai would casually welcome travelers from abroad who happened to do sightseeing in Kyoto or Nara, if only it suited their itineraries.

However, I was really pleased to know that my way of thinking mentioned above, that is, preparing everything for students and avoiding putting any trouble on them was authentically right, after learning it was a traditional custom for teachers to prepare everything needed in calligraphy lessons.

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