〜Selfless love  親の愛〜

This is another small work of mine that I found while cleaning the house.  It is “deep love, to foster, to learn”.  In short, symbols of parents’ love toward their children, I heard.




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〜First roll of thunder  雷乃発声〜

“People begin hearing distant rolls of thunder.”  In fact, this is the last seasonal phrase for March.  The drumstick you see on the left is a custom-made item of the famous drummer whose sad news of death was officially announced some time ago.  I am now remembering it was almost 20 years ago that I picked it up thrown to the audience by the drummer himself at the end of a concert. 




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〜Good-looking boy  別の側面〜

The other day, I went and enjoyed a film adaptation of a musical.  It would be extremely hard to get its ticket in ordinary situation even if you belong to its fan club, however, as live performance on stage seems really hard to realize in these difficult days, they made it into a motion picture and so I could enjoy it to the fullest extent.  Now I just wonder what is positive and what is negative.



Beautiful is the big wide-open sky/

It certainly is/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Healing songs of birds 当て字ですが〜

Songs of Japanese bush warblers seem to stand out among other birds these days.  Here is another copying practice of my teacher’s work which I am sure expresses his mischievous side very well.  This is a phonetic equivalence of a Japanese word for this bird.  And I remember he loved this kind of game very much.  We Japanese have a traditional belief in the spiritual power of words and here, it seemed he believed in that of each character and chose letters of positive, bright, auspicious attribute.



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〜Tree  小さな色紙〜

The character is “tree”.  It is a small piece of about 14 cm or 5 inches on a side.  I hope someone would like it as a simple, little ornament on a kitchen wall, for instance.



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〜At a marché  実は・・・〜

The piece this photo shows was actually sold at an art marché in December last year and naturally it is not with me anymore.  As I had a considerable feeling for this one myself, when I look at this picture, I have a kind of loneliness but at the same time, I feel VERY happy.



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〜Where is mom?  寄せ集めではありますが〜

More than a year has passed since my mother left.  The photo shows a panel of my pieces on various kinds of paper I wrote thinking of her.



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〜Calligraphy copying practice 長い夢

This is a result of my copying practice of my teacher’s work, “dream”.  The form looks somewhat similar to the original, however, it totally lacks the dynamism of the lines and the spirit he put into it.



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〜Seasonal phrase 今年の桜は〜

“Cherry blossoms begin to bloom.”  The website I frequent to check seasonal phrases to post here says this phrase is allocated to a week-long period from tomorrow.  However, the cherry blossoms this year seem to be hurrying.



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