〜Friendship  文人の遊び〜

The first picture shows a painting that my important friend in Poland sent me.  This painting immediately reminded me of a sort of a game played among people of culture in old times; that is, first, a painter draws anything he or she likes and then a calligrapher writes in the margin what he or she is inspired by the drawing.  The second picture shows the result; first I added the calligraphy “energy of love” on the same paper, then, I added my paperer framed it into a panel.  




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〜Pluviophile  そこそこが良い〜

I learned that “pluviophile” means someone who loves rain, and that precisely indicates me.  However, I am so certain that rain must fall moderately.

On the leaves; rain without sorrow.





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〜Scene in summer  半切〜

Finally, we are beginning to have summerlike weather, which reminded me of this one.  This is my old work of a summery poem I wrote many years ago. 




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〜Goldfish shaped wind-bells  涼やかな音〜

I received this gift a while ago.  It not only looks cute but produces cool refreshing sound.  The sound really makes you feel even your heart is cleaned.




Wind chime rings/

Ears tickled/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜While net-surfing  小川が大河に〜

I found this phrase while net-surfing for no special reason.  “Small streams gather to be a mighty river.”




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〜Here is one of my old works  茶掛け〜

I saw little cucumber flowers in a home vegetable garden in a neighbor’s and remembered this one.




One good elderly/

In one house/

Flowers on gourds/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Gardenias in my garden  俳句と花言葉〜

Because the gardenias in my garden are blooming beautifully, I wrote a haiku on them and their flower languages, “I am so happy”, “I diffuse delight”, “refinement” and “elegance”.  What came into my mind is have I not been always happy.




Living in the house/


Gardenias blooming in profusion/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜First time in a long time  食べるのは簡単〜

I cooked some wheat noodle(素麺)after a long interval.  It is known to many people that cooking it is rather time-consuming, however, it is so easy to eat it fast.




Oh, thin wheat noodles/

Finally, only one is/

Drifting about in the bowl/

Calligraphy and translation by Chio


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〜Appealing photo  センスの良さ〜

Someone that liked my small piece sent me some photos to show how she is displaying my little one even sent me yet another image, which evokes the artistic quality of my work even more.  The photo renewed my perception of how important presentation is when displaying artistic works.  And I admire her excellent sense of exhibition.




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〜Are you familiar with this?  散歩の途中でも〜

The calligraphy on this stone monument was done by my teacher. Probably, it is his calligraphy at his most energetic days.  I am sure those who know me have seen it at least once or twice.   

However, you can’t any comment that it was done by Akiyama Kodo 秋山公道 anywhere on and around the monument.  I just wonder if there remains a record in the Kyoto Prefectural Office about their asking him for his calligraphy here and their paying rewards to him. 

There are many advantages of practicing under an esteemed calligrapher, and this is the one, that is, you can say “Hello!” to your teacher quite easily even while taking a walk. 

Incidentally, today, July 3rd is his death anniversary.


この石碑の字は私の師匠によるものです。力強くて、多分一番お元気だった頃の字だと思われます。私と知り合いの方々は、一度はこれをご覧になった方が多いのでは? と思います。ただこの石碑とその周辺のどこにも『秋山公道揮毫』と記されていません。府庁のどこかにこの揮毫を秋山公道に依頼して、いくらいくらの謝金を支払ったという記録が残っているかしら? と思うのです。




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