Getting acquainted with people, enjoying good relationship 書縁

“Calligraphy is amazing! It gives you wonderful relationship with others.”

I chose these words by my precious friend as a material for calligraphy today, if he kindly considers me as his friend, that is.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

Combination of Chinese characters and kana characters, again.

On top of that, one is practicing copying classics; while the other is creation. The idea is being one-sided is not interesting.

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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

“Your uniqueness hasn’t been very prominent these days. Your works should be more amusing and intriguing as before!” was my teacher’s comment in today’s practice session.

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Great praise これ、忘れていましたが

Someone praised my work to the skies that I wrote for my first solo exhibition held in the beginning of 2009. I have no idea how I could express my delight.


“It will take some more time for another flower to bloom.”

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Another well-received work in the well-received exhibition 解説つき

This is another one I sent to the exhibition. It has my own tanka and haiku about my mother and looking after her. However, as I was afraid my poetry writing was not good enough to convey my feelings and present situation, I put a commentary as well.


Star and Moon/

Facing each other like smiling at each other/

To their beauty/

Mother offers/



Taking old mother’s hand/

Flying in the universe together/

Starlit night/


I was pleasantly surprised to see my mother offering her gratitude to the beauty of the Venus and the Moon facing each other as if they were smiling at each other, when I put her in her wheel chair and went out for a short walk, because she became fretful after dinner one evening in fall.


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I love taking calligraphy lessons!  お稽古、楽しい!

We had the first practice session of the year.

A combination of works; one, a kanji piece of a Zen words on old pine trees, the other, a kana piece of a waka on young pine trees.

Everyone in the class did a good job, which pleased our teacher.

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Exhibition of the new year ご満悦

My mother and I went to the new-year exhibition of the works by our teacher and her students. My mother is smiling so delightedly. Just as the last year, I asked her to write one letter, this time “flower”.

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