新しい命すくすく Thriving infant





On my way back from the beauty parlor, I happened to meet an ex-participant of Yushokai with her newborn daughter who was nearly 100 days old. Remembering her gentle eyes watching over her baby, I searched on the internet and found this haiku by chance. The baby actually was sleeping soundly in the baby carriage, though.

Holding her baby of 100 days old/

Against her breasts/

Clad in a sweater/

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模様替え Entrance decoration





As February 4 was the first day of spring in the traditional calendar, and it is a sunny, pleasant day, although a little chilly, I decorated our entrance with Hinamatsuri ornaments.

I will leave them as they are until March 3 in the old calendar that falls on April 21 this year.

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久々に Old hairdo




I had my hair cut today for the first time in a little over a year. “Now, you have your old hairdo!”, said my beautician.

On a (spring) day like this/

Going to have my haircut/

Oh, butterbur sprout/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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初孫 Adorable child

2.5 2,5





My special friends who contributed their wonderful works in the second exhibition of Yushokai sent me their family pictures including their first granddaughter.

I remembered how my grandfather doted on me as his first grandchild.

I think I had better hurry and send my little gift for her first annual festival, Dolls Festival, as it is just around the corner.

Our first granddaughter/

Her abstruse language/

Goes beyond the universe/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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獅子座の満月 Full Moon in Leo

2.4 2,4




I admire the Leos including Mick Jagger for their gorgeous personality.

Anyway, here is a passage for the Geminis from Ms. Yukari Ishii (in Japanese) in the wake of this full moon.

“Timing of fruitage of what you have been studying and realization of an amazing communication”

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節分 Devils out, good luck in!

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The title above is the phrase chanted on setsubun during bean-scattering ceremony.

The photos show around Yoshida Shrine I visited this morning as many people do. The shrine is very well-known for its setsubun observance.

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今週の双子座 Small vortexes





Here is a quotation from Ms. Yukari Ishii’s (in Japanese) comment from the astrological point of view for the Geminis for the week starting on February 2, which roughly goes:

What you have always kept trying will produce something like small vortexes that will reach other people and may initiate interesting changes.

All I do now is wish it should come true.

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春の雪 Disappeared quicky

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3




It began to snow last night and it was snowing quite heavily this morning. However, in the afternoon it had completely disappeared.

The photos show the snow last night and a scene this morning, both our garden.

Snow falls/

Night falls into/

Absolute silence/

Translation and calligraphy by Tomoko

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